Thanks to the awesome response of our parishioners to our annual collection this past February and the continued use of the green Mission envelopes year round, we have now been able to make donations to our Mission partners of almost $10,000. We have allocated funds to the following Mission projects:
Chalice: $2000 for bore wells (increasing water supply) in St. Mary’s Special School in Kawambwa, Zambia- a school for blind children; and water system and washroom repairs to Immaculate Conception School in Roseaux, Haiti -a school of over 900 children.
Catholic Missions in Canada: $2500 to support missionaries working in Northern Canada
Heart-Links: $1500 for support to families in Nuevo Mocupe, (Zana Valley)- Northern Peru in which many of the family members (adults and children) have developmental disabilities. $500 to support emergency pandemic medical supplies.
Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, Northwest Territories: $2500 to support poor families in the Northwest Territories with emergency food assistance via parish outreach projects.
Save a Family Plan: $960 to continue our support of 2 families in India with an additional 2 families to be added upon renewal in November.
We look forward to being able to support more mission projects with your continued help. Mission envelopes (green) can be found at the back of the churches and donations can be offered all year round. Thank you for your prayers and support of the missions.